Sunday, November 27, 2011
EOTC Week is here!!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Term 4 Newsletter
Welcome to Term 4 of 2011. It’s hard to believe we are now in the final term of the year. It is fantastic to finally see the sun after a very long and wet winter.
Firstly, a massive thank you to everyone who helped out during our very successful Wearable Art performances at the end of Term 3. It was a huge process for everyone involved, right from the initial ideas, making of outfits, dance practices through to the final performances. The children looked fantastic on stage in their creative outfits and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience.
As usual, Term 4 is set to be another busy one, especially as it is only 8 weeks!
Below is a run down on the term. Feel free to contact your child’s classroom teacher if there is anything you wish to discuss further.
Our writing focus for this term is persuasive writing, where we will be exploring how to write a quality argument. We will be looking at several current topics in the media, including oil spills and whaling to stir some debate!
Throughout our Inquiry and Reading lessons our focus is on developing thinking and information literacy skills, looking particularly at summarising key ideas into our own words.
We start the term revising some key concepts from the year. We will be focusing particularly on fractions, decimals, place value and operational strategies. We end the term looking at Measurement, studying Time. This Measurement unit will be taught in our own classes rather than cross grouping between the classes in the syndicate. Please continue to help your children at home with their basic facts. Many children know these but need to become quicker with their recall.
Because of Wearable Arts last term we ran out of time to complete our Festivals and Celebrations inquiry unit so for the first 3 weeks of this term we are revisiting this topic. Our big idea is: ‘The Reason for the Season has been lost in modern day society’. All classes are currently involved in a personal inquiry where each child is researching a particular festival from around the world. Their task to identify similarities and differences with the way their festival is celebrated now compared to the past.
Towards the end of the term Year 5 classes will be involved in revisiting the concepts around ‘Peer Mediation’. This is a programme created by the Peace Foundation and is part of their ‘Cool Schools’ initiative. In this programme the children will learn the skills of resolving conflict. At the end of the programme the Year 5 students will have an opportunity to apply to be a Peer Mediator in the playground at lunchtime so they can put these skills to good use. This will be an excellent leadership opportunity for children when they are in Year 6.
Physical Education
An exciting term for PE is planned, starting off with Athletics. The children will be taking part in Long Jump, High Jump, Vortex, Shot put, Quoit and Sprints. This leads in nicely to our school athletics day and Zone tournaments. We end the term with Swimming starting again down at the local pool.
Later in the term Muritai School will be holding an Art Auction to raise funds for Green Gecko Project. The GREEN GECKO project is an initiative founded to benefit the lives of street children in Siem Reap, Cambodia. For more information on this project please visit: Each class in the school will be completing a co-operative piece of art to sell at the auction. More information regarding this auction will be available in the next few weeks.
This will be Week 6 and planning is currently underway. Activities will be finalised by the end of next week. As usual, we will need a lot of parent support for these days. More information will be sent home once ideas and dates are confirmed.
Year 5 and 6 Camp 2012
There will be a meeting for Forest Lakes Camp 2012 towards the end of the term. Details will be sent out closer to the time. You might like to consider whether you would like to be a parent supervisor. Preference will be given to parents who can attend the whole week in 2012.
Important Reminders
If you still have your child’s portfolio please return it for updating this term. They will go out on Week 8 with the reports.
Stationery Check
Many students are now missing pens, pencils, rulers, plastic pockets and calculators. These are necessary for everyday class work. Can you please ask your child if they need any items and replace them. Thank you.
Sun Hats & Drink Bottles
It’s term 4 and each child needs a hat to wear everyday outside. It needs to be a wide brimmed hat, not a cap and ideally should be left at school in their desk for easy access. Thank you to those students who have remembered. Students not wearing hats have to stay in the shade area by the junior rooms.
It is also recommended the children have their own named drink bottle at school. As the days get warmer it’s important they are fully hydrated.
Footwear and clothing
This term we need students to wear clothing that is suitable for outdoor sport. Please ensure your child wears shoes that they can run easily in (especially on Tuesdays as this is our athletics day.) Jandals and boots are not appropriate.
If you have any concerns or worries please contact your child’s teacher by leaving a phone message at the office or by email: teachers surname @
Kind Regards The Year 5 and 6 team
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Homework Week 2 Term 4
Spelling / Fitness!
Learn the 10 spelling words for the week. You must be able to recite them to someone at home correctly while doing STAR JUMPS.
Reading: You must read for at least 15 minutes each night. Record your reading in a table. Try reading out loud to someone. Maybe you could share a story with a little brother, sister or friend.
Something A Bit Different!
Your task this week is to design a homework sheet for your class to complete. It can be whatever you like as long as it is educational and adding value to what we are doing in class.
You must present it on an A4 sheet (we can give you this at school if you want), it must also be accurate, easy to follow and achievable for everyone. You may wish to publish it on the computer too!
Sometimes it's useful to base your homework around a particular theme e.g cooking, rugby, summer.
Have fun, get creative and original and go for it!
The winning homework sheet will be photocopied and given out as the next weeks homework for the class.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Term 4 Week 1
Homework Week 1 Term 4
You have 10 spelling words for the week. Please practice learning them everyday.
Put your 10 words into a sentence – 1 sentence for 1 word. Please keep the sentences neat. Underline your spelling word in the sentence.
Write out the questions and answers to the 6 and 7 timetables in your book. Make sure you learn both the multiplication and division facts.
Challenge: How fast can you recite them all mixed up? Record your best time.
You must read for at least 15 minutes each night. Record your reading in the table below.
Day | Title | Author | Actual time read |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Well the 2011 Rugby World Cup (RWC) is over. We’re interested to know what you thought and how you felt about the tournament.
Your Inquiry task this week is based around the “Six Thinking Hats” (which we will be using a lot this term). Think about the RWC and answer the questions in the table below. Come to class on Friday ready to talk about your thoughts, feelings and conclusions with the class.
HAT | Answers |
WHITE (information) What is something new you learned during the RWC? |
RED (emotions) How did you feel about the RWC? Why did you feel this way? Would anything have changed the way you felt? |
YELLOW (positives) What was good about the RWC for you personally? What was good about the RWC for New Zealand as a country? |
BLACK (risk/judgement) Was there anything you did not like about the RWC? Did the tournament have any negative effects? |
GREEN (creative) If you were in charge of organising the next RWC what would you do differently? |
BLUE (evaluation) What is your overall opinion about the 2011 RWC? What made you reach this conclusion? |
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Homework - Term 3 Week 8
WALT – Learn your 10 spelling words .
You must read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night, any longer is a bonus! Draw up a table and record your reading progress.
Try visiting the Muritai library blog.
Wearable Art
Well done to everyone on making your outstanding wearable art last week - you should all be very proud of yourself!!
Remember there is will be no more time for making in class so if you still have work to do please continue working on it at home. What can you add to give it the WOW factor!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Term 3 Week 6 Homework
WALT – Learn your 10 spelling words .
You must read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night, any longer is a bonus! Draw up a table and record your reading progress.
Try visiting the Muritai library blog.
Don't forget...
Making week is next week! Make sure you have everything organised to bring into school for next Monday.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Term 3 Week 5 Homework
WALT – Learn your 10 words and see if you can include them all in a 50 word narrative! Remember to underline your spelling words.
You must read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night, any longer is a bonus! Draw up a table and record your reading progress.
Choose one (or both) of the following options:
• Choose 2 of the times tables that you find the trickiest and practice them. Record them down and see how quickly you can recite them.
• Go onto the class blogs and play some of the maths games. Can you find one to play that you have never played? Record the games down.
Wearable Arts
Write a 'progress report' on how things are going with your Wearable Arts design. Think about:
- What you have done so far?
- What is working well?
- What challenges have you had to overcome and how did you overcome these challenges?
- How are you tracking?
- What are your goals for the next week?
No need for a novel, so keep it brief (a half to one page only).
Good luck!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Term 3 Week 4 Homework
WALT – Learn your 10 words and include them in a short story. Try to be as creative as you can and don’t forget your VCOP’s. Underline your words.
You must read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night, any longer is a bonus! Draw up a table and record your reading progress. Be sure to write a small reflection of your reading this week. What did you enjoy? Do you have any ideas on what might happen next?
Choose one (or both) of the following options:
• Choose 2 of the times tables that you find the trickiest and practice them. Record them down and see how quickly you can recite them.
• Go onto the class blogs and play some of the maths games. Can you find one to play that you have never played? Record the games down.
Wearable Art
This week you would have completed your procedure on how to construct your wearable art in class. Your job this week is to take this procedure home and discuss the process with Mum or Dad. Below are some questions Mum or Dad might be asking you, so make sure you are prepared to answer them!
* Have you listed all the materials and tools you will need?
* Do you think you can realistically make this using your instructions?
* What will you need assistance with?
* How long do you think it will take to complete?
This is also the week to make your final adjustments to your designs.
******************ONLY 3 MORE WEEKS UNTIL MAKING WEEK *******************
Do you have a lot of preparation to do before making week in week 7?
If your project involves papier mache, attaching A LOT of little things by threading or gluing or cutting A LOT of things out you need to start NOW!
Good luck!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Term 3 Newsletter
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome back to the new term. Hopefully everyone had a relaxing holiday.
The Year 5 and 6 Team had another successful term in Term 2. The highlights would have to be our Solar System Inquiry and the Speech Competition where the quality of speeches from everyone was very impressive. Our T.G.I.F programme was also a huge success with children learning to play the ukulele, taking part in cooking, art and even tie dying lessons!
Thank you to everyone who came to visit us for parent conferences at the end of the term. It was great to have a catch up with you all and report back on the successes your children have made.
The teachers are all looking forward to getting stuck into a solid term of teaching in Term 3. Here is the run down on what is happening.
Our theme for the term is ‘Celebrate!’ In this unit we are looking at how different cultures remember the past through festivals and celebrations. We start by looking closely at a couple of unique festivals then the children will have an opportunity to inquire about a festival of their choice.
A big term for Art this term where with our bi-annual Wearable Arts Performance in week 10. This involves every child designing and creating a wearable piece of art and then presenting this during performance week. You should have received a paper copy of an overview for the term, which outlines our expectations for the children and how you can assist at home. All children have now decided on a category to enter and have started their initial designs. Week 7 will be dedicated to ‘Making Week’. We will be asking for parent help to come along and help out with the construction. Sewing machines and operators will be in hot demand!
In writing and reading we will be focusing on narrative writing. This unit will really give the children an opportunity to experiment with descriptive and creative story writing.
Cross grouping will continue this term and commence in week 1. We start the term looking at Algebra, exploring spatial and number patterns. We then move into Number, exploring fractions, decimals and percentages.
Physical Education
This term we focus on large ball games. We will be looking at working as a team and game strategy along with continuing to build on large ball control.
The homework programme is unchanged from last term. A large component of homework will be centred around wearable art preparation. For a lot of this we will be encouraging the children to discuss ideas and designs with you at home. The conversations you have with your child at home regarding their design process is vital. As you can imagine it is a very complex process getting their piece of art from paper onto their bodies!!
As always we understand the weeks can be very busy and many children have a lot of after school activities to attend. If for any reason your child is unable to complete their homework, please write a brief note in their book or email your classroom teacher with an explanation.
Other things to notes….
Slippers: These need to be worn throughout the winter term. Please ensure your child has a pair of slippers that are left at school.
Blogs: Thank you to everyone who has visited the blogs and left comments and feedbacks for the children – they really appreciate your feedback. We will endeavour to keep the blogs updated regularly so make sure you visit frequently! The children are also becoming increasingly confident in publishing work on the blog.
Finally…. Please remind your child to check they have everything they need each morning and they are at school in time for the first bell at 8.40. Students should see that being organised is part of growing up and an important life skill to be developing. Term 3 usually sees the supply of pencils, rulers and rubbers start to dwindle. It would be a good idea to ask your child if there is anything they require.
As usual, if you need to contact your child’s classroom teacher please feel free to drop by the classroom before or after school or make an appointment for an interview at the office. The easiest way to touch base with us is email e.g. teacher’s
Thank you again for your support
Stu Devenport
Year 5 and 6 Team Leader.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Term 3 Week 3 Homework
Term 3 Week 3 Homework
Learn your 10 spelling words for the week. Write 5 of your words in a sentence and try to be creative as you can with your sentences!
You must read for at least 15 minutes each night. Record your reading in the table below.

Answer the following questions:
Who is the main character in the book you are reading?
What are their qualities?
What are their faults?
Quote a sentence that describes the character
e.g “ her eyes were greeny-blue, like artic water; it was as though they had once been another colour, but that the other colour had been washed away” The Snow Spider
Make 2 number patterns and 2 shape patterns in your book. Record what the rule is. Have someone at home complete the next 5 steps of your patterns.
Did they get the rule right?
Wearable Arts:
This week's task is to start thinking about the resources and materials you will need to make your wearable art. Remember to think about choosing recycled materials as much as possible. What can you use from home? Write a list of this materials in your book.
This week in class we will be creating a list of resources and materials people need and how others can help.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Term 3 Week 2 Homework
Learn your 10 spelling words for the week. Write each word in a sentence to ensure you understand its meaning.
If you are now selecting words from a dictionary you need to record the words dictionary meaning and then write each word in a sentence.
You must read for at least 15 minutes each night. Record your reading in the table below.

Check out this great game so you can get better at number patterns:
How many bio rods can you collect???
Wearable Arts.
This is a big week for Wearable Arts. In class, we will be starting our initial design for your piece of art. You will be asked to draw the front, side and back views of your design along with making a list of what materials/resources you will need.
For homework this week you need to discuss your ideas and design with Mum and Dad. Here are some discussion points for you:
* What will your wearable art represent?
* What materials will you use?
* What is the base of the your outfit?
* How will you attach different components of your outfit together?
You might like to get someone at home to help you with the drawing of your design, particularly thinking about the front, back and side views.
Another helpful task this week would be to read over together the newsletter and term overview for the wearable arts programme. This will give you and your parents an idea of the timeline for the term so you can manage your time and be well prepared.
Good Luck!!
Wearable Arts 2011
Wearable Arts 2011
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The Wearable Arts Show will provide opportunities for a range of students to excel. Staff and children are really excited about this coming event.
Students will be able to choose a category to base their wearable art around. These categories are: Stone Age, Medieval, Industrial Age and Space Age. In order for your child’s piece of art to be a success they will need support from you at home. It would be great if you could discuss the initial ideas and possible materials that could be used. Your child may also need assistance with the initial construction of the piece. Below is an overview of the term for Wearable Arts which will give you an idea of what we will be focusing on at school and what is expected from your child. It also gives you an idea of how you can assist them at home.
The main thing to remember when discussing the design with your child is
that it is an artwork, giving the idea of a theme- rather than a costume,
eg: creating a dress out of joined together papier mache' bones rather than
dressing up as a dinosaur. If you need any inspiration you can find lots of
ideas on Google Images. Just type in 'Wearable Arts'. Generally we like the
creations to have a recycled element to them, but it does not have to be
totally recycled.
It is completely understood that not all parents are creatively wired, or
can wield a needle and thread. If you are lucky enough to be blessed in the
area of arts and crafts please let your classroom teacher know. We could
definitely utilise your talents. If you are able to lend a hand at school
during week 7 contact your child’s classroom teacher.
The show will be in week ten and as always will be an exciting and colourful
event. Tickets will be on sale from week 6.
Thank you for your continued support.
Year 5/6 Teachers
Term Overview for Wearable Arts.
Week | At School | At home |
1 | Introduction of concept – What is Wearable Art? Brainstorming ideas for each category, viewing images to represent each category. Discussion of categories and initial designs.
Wearable Art Training Day in groups | Viewing of Wearable Arts on internet. Discussion points:
2 | Deciding on category for show. Drawing designs including front, back and side views. Write a procedure outlining the step by step process on constructing their wearable art.
Collating list of materials/resources needed in classes. | Share designs at home. Discussion points: · What are you representing? · What material will you need? · How will you make it? |
3 | Skills Teaching through Arts programme: · Weaving · Stitching · Folding · Attachment options | Collecting of materials/resources for piece of art. |
4 | Start constructing, particularly if design requires a lot of preparation e.g: · Papier Mache · Nailing holes · Attaching a lot of small objects
Tickets on sale. | |
5 | ||
6 | ||
7 | MAKING WEEK!!!! (Monday – Thursday) Children to bring in all work completed so far along with additional materials to continue with construction. | Assistance in class from parents that can help. |
8 | Preparation and Rehearsal for Performances | Work on finished touches of piece of art if required at home. |
9 |
| |