Saturday, May 29, 2010

Term 2 Week 7 Homework


Our homework focus this week is practicing the presentation of your speech for the competition. Some of you will be presenting your speech this week. This week you need to practice, practice, PRACTICE so you are well prepared. Keep getting feedback from people at home. These people could be a parent, brother, sister, relation, friend or someone in your class. Refer to the judging template so you know what they will be looking for. Below is a copy of the judging template you will be scored on. Look carefully at what you will be judged so to ensure you get the best score possible!

This is also the week to finalise your visual aids and know when you will be referring to them during your speech. Remember to not let your visual aids take over your presentation, the attention of the audience needs to be on you for the majority of the time. If you need a data projector and or laptop make sure you let your teacher know so it is all organised.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Term 2 Week 6 Homework


Learn your 10 spelling words for the week. Write 5 of your words in an interesting sentence. Underline the spelling word in the sentence. Draw the other 5 words and write your spelling word underneath your illustrations.


You must read for at least 15 minutes each night. Record your reading in the table below.


1. Write down and learn all the double times tables. Eg 1 x 1 = 1, 2 x 2 = 4
Do you notice any pattern or special sequence going on with the answers?
2. If 3 x 20 = 60 what is 6 x 20 =? If 5 x 13 = 65 what is 10 x 13 = ?
If 8 x 10 = 80 what is 8 x 100 = ? If 7 x 8 = 56 what is 7 x 16 = ?
3. What is half of:
a) 30 b) 120 c) 7 d) 500 e) 15 f) 900


Work on delivery and presentation
Share your speech at home- get feedback on what you could do better. Revise language and structure for possible improvements.
Think about:
~How well you use cue cards/powerpoint/other props or even better you have memorised your speech off by heart?
~Are you enjoying yourself?
~Do you believe in what you are telling/saying to the audience?
~Facial expressions, props, displays confidence, gestures, dress appropriate?
~Is each word clear?
~Is the tone right?
~Is there effective pausing?
~Are the main ideas emphasised?
~Is a rhythm maintained?

Good Luck!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Homework: Term 2 Week 5


WALT: Learn words from essential words list and extension word list.

Learn the 10 spelling words for the week. Practice learning them everyday. Copy and complete the grid below for each word.
WALT: To find compatible numbers for 100.

Compatible numbers are two numbers that add together to make a tidy number. E.g 45 + 55 = 100.
Use the grid below to find 10 pairs of compatible numbers that equal 100.Challenge! Make your own grid of numbers for another tidy number like 500 or 1000. Get someone at home to find 10 pairs from your grid.


You must read for at least 15 minutes each night. Record your reading in the table below. What was the complication or problem the characters had to solve in your book?
This is an important week for the preparation of your speech. Your task this week is to start compiling all your ideas into the structure of a speech. You need to:
  • Write all your ideas into paragraphs (Remember to think of the big idea of every paragraph so your ideas have a logical sequence)
  • Write an introduction to grab the attention of your audience,
  • Write a conclusion to finish your speech. (Refer back to your speech hamburger sheet)
  • Once it is written out in sequence, try reading it aloud to someone at home and have them time you. Is it between 2 and 3 minutes? If it is too short you will need to add more content. If it is too long you might need to take some content out. Remember, as you practice more your speech will get faster to deliver so its better to have more than less.
You will have time in class this week to discuss ideas with your teacher and class mates so check with your teacher to see when is a good day to bring your speech in to share.

Friday, May 14, 2010

More TGiF Action

We are having a great time every Friday in our TGiF groups. There are so many exciting things happening and we are in the final stages of getting prepared for sharing in next weeks assembly. Here's a taster of what has been happening. You can also check out Room 12's Blog (in the sidebar) to see the action from the Science Group.

Ukulele with Mrs Hooke

Spanish with Jared & Emma

Spanish with Celine & Finn

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Homework Term 2 Week 4!


WALT – Learn words from the essential list and the inquiry unit.

Write an interesting sentence for each of your spelling words. 
Try to be as creative as you can and don’t forget your VCOP’s.


You must read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night, any longer is a bonus!

Draw up a table and record your reading progress. 
Be sure to write a small reflection of your reading this week.
What did you enjoy? What did you least enjoy? Do you have any ideas on what might happen next?

Play a different game from the blog each night and record it in your book.

Speech Timeline Term 2 2010

Week 3 & 4:  
Viewing last years finals & Choose a topic and Brainstorm/ research information
Team meeting to view last years finals. Discuss “What makes a great speech?”
Class session on possible starters
Brainstorm beginnings and work on content and structure.
Share ‘Hamburger’ diagram to model a good speech.

Week 5 
  Prepare and work on content
In class Analyse what a quality speech might be
Work on content and structure

Week 6
Work on delivery and presentation
In class Share speech at home- get feedback , use a form , homework task. Revising language and structure for possible improvements.

Week 7& 8
Final preparation.
Deliver speech to own class.  Classfinals Preparation, gathering and using visual aids. Each class to choose 3or 4 finalists for a year semi.

Week 9 
Year Semi  finals
Presentation of speeches with teacher/ student judging.

Week 10
Team finals . (24th Jun)
Top speeches from each class presents them to the team and parents.