Sunday, October 17, 2010

Homework Term 4 week 2

Term 4 Week 2 Homework

In week 4 you will be tested on ALL the essential lists plus commonly misspelt words. Take an essential words lists sheet home this week and focus on 10 words you still find challenging from your list. If you have passed all your lists focus on those tricky words from CMW so you are really confident at spelling them.


Remember to read every night for at least 15 minutes. Copy and complete a grid. Make a summary of the key events that have happened in the chapters/pages you have read.


For the next three weeks all classes are in revision mode - revisiting all the tricky lessons from the year so far. One area we will all be focusing on is place value. Click on the link below

Or a game from the blogs


We will be looking at defining what a disaster means this week.

Your task is to research the internet, from books, from family members about the

a) The Napier Earthquake
b) The Tangiwai Rail Disaster

Create a brainstorm of all the pieces of information you found.

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